Getting Your Blood Pressure Under Control With Lisinopril}

Submitted by: Heather Colman

Lisinopril is one of the medications, which can help in controlling blood pressure. It’s a drug that belongs to the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor class. This drug is mostly used to help patients, who are suffering from hypertension, congestive heart failure, and cardiac arrests. It is also used to prevent renal and retinal complications, which may arise as a result of diabetes.

Captopril and Enalapril are the other two drugs that are ACE inhibitors. These two drugs were used for treatments in the early 1990s, before the introduction of lisinopril. There are several distinguishing factors between lisinopril and other ACE inhibitors.

Lisinopril is hydrophilic, it has a long, half life and tissue penetration. In addition, it is not metabolized by the liver.

What medical conditions can be treated with lisinopril?

Following are some of the most common conditions, which can be treated with lisinopril:

* For treatment of patients suffering from high blood pressure


* Improving the symptoms that are produced by a weak heart

* Protecting the function of kidneys in diabetic functions suffering from protein loss

* Treating patients who are stable after 24 hours of myocardial infarction.

How does lisinopril work?

Lisinopril lowers the blood pressure by inhibiting the production of chemicals in the body, which result in high blood pressure. The lowered blood pressure in turn, is a lot a less complicated condition for patients with a weak heart. It helps in the removal of fluids from the body. There is also an increase in the efficiency of the blood flow through the kidneys, which is of great help to the diabetics.

Lisinopril can be taken on an empty stomach. In fact, there have been several reports indicating that, taking it with food can result in stomach upset.

Lisinorpil has the same indications, contraindications, and side effects as the other ACE inhibition drugs. It has a very long, half life, this means that normally only one dose per day is sufficient for most patients. The average daily dose can be as high as 40mg to as low as 2.5mg, in sensitive cases. However, there have been cases, where patients needed 80mg per day, for effective treatment and these patients suffered no overly adverse side effects.

Common side effects.

The most common side effect of lisinopril is dizziness. This happens, especially if the patient gets up suddenly after sitting or lying for a long time. Also, one needs to be careful while climbing up the stairs. Apart from dizziness, headache is another common side effect, which can be cured by a mild pain relief drug.

Patients also tend to feel tired and lightheaded. When taking lisinopril avoid driving, operating heavy machinery or performing hazardous tasks.

There can be oral disorders as well, which may include short term, abnormal taste and dry cough.

Symptoms to look for.

Keep a watch on swelling of legs or abdomen. Shortness of breath, sudden weight gain, are the other symptoms, which you may experience, as a result of lisinopril intake. Contact your doctor immediately, if any of these symptoms grow worse.

Disclaimer – The information presented here should not be interpreted as or substituted for medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional for more information about Lisinorpil.

About the Author: Copyright 2006 Heather Colman Find more

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