A Comprehensive Guide To Public Speaking Videos

The Power of Public Speaking Videos

Today’s fast-paced technological world has brought forward a plethora of opportunities for learning and growth. One such burgeoning area is the realm of public speaking videos. Whether it’s TED talks inspiring the world or entrepreneurs pitching their ideas, public speaking is an art form worth mastering. But is it possible to learn effective public speaking through videos alone? The answer is an affirmative yes, especially when combined with an effective public speaking online course.

Public speaking, at its heart, requires two crucial skills: clarity of thought and the ability to communicate these thoughts effectively. Videos that teach public speaking are infused with these two dimensions. They not only teach you the art of crafting speeches but also provide a demonstration of how to deliver them. When you observe these techniques in action, it strengthens your understanding and honing of similar skills.

One of the greatest advantages of engaging with public speaking videos is the ability to pause, rewind, and rewatch the content as necessary. This can be particularly helpful when learning new techniques or when attempting to mimic the style of a talented public speaker. Additionally, watching others speak also allows you to learn from the mistakes they might be making and thus prevent you from making them yourself.

An online library of such videos provides a treasure trove of examples, showcasing various speaking styles, voices, and methods. Moreover, through the medium of such videos, one gets to observe not just local but global speakers. Thus, it provides a gateway to learn from a global pool of talent without geographic restrictions.

Beyond Videos: The Value of Public Speaking Online Courses

While public speaking videos are a great way to observe and learn, a public speaking online course helps to turn this observational learning into practical, applicable skills. A structured online course usually offers a curriculum that focuses on speech preparation, delivery techniques, body language, handling your nerves, managing Q&A sessions, and routine practice.

Moreover, an online course allows for personalized feedback and tailored learning. It provides you with a platform to practice your speech, get constructive feedback from experienced instructors and peers, and thereby improve your public speaking skills. Furthermore, online courses aren’t bound by temporal or geographical constraints, making them an accessible tool for individuals worldwide.

Therefore, while public speaking videos serve as a great starting point and learning tool, a comprehensive and structured public speaking online course is what you need to master the required skills effectively.


In conclusion, public speaking videos are an excellent resource for anyone wishing to improve their oratory skills. Coupled with thorough practice and a comprehensive public speaking online course, this promising field of online learning paints a hopeful picture for the future. So, whether you aspire to wow an audience with your eloquence or simply want to overcome your fear of public speaking, an online course complemented with the power of videos can help pave the way for success.

Online Public Speaking Classes For Personal And Professional Growth

Adopt Online Public Speaking Classes to Hone Your Speaking Skills

In the world we live in today, the art of public speaking is a skill that can immensely push your personal and professional growth. Whether you have to present a report in a meeting, give a toast at a friend’s wedding, or just converse with large groups of friends, good public speaking skills always come in handy. But attaining fluency and confidence in public speaking is not something that happens overnight. It requires practice and learning from experienced professionals. This is where online public speaking classes step in as a game-changer.

Undeniably, there’s a certain level of anxiety when you’re asked to speak in front of a crowd. But with online public speaking classes, you can overcome this anxiety and improvise your public speaking skills at your own pace and convenience. The online platform also eliminates geographical limitations, giving you access to the best mentors from across the globe.

Speaking more confidently not only improves personal relationships but can also open unexpected doors in your career. Regardless of your profession, whether you’re an entrepreneur, lecturer or a software engineer, being a substantial communicator always sets you apart from the crowd. And, online public speaking classes offer just that – a significant boost to your communication skills.

Platforms offering online public speaking classes offer a variety of courses, each one designed to cater to different levels of speakers. Whether you’re an absolute beginner, an intermediate speaker looking to refine your skills, or a skilled speaker looking for advanced tips, you’re likely to find a course that suits your needs.

These classes usually offer modules focusing on various aspects of public speaking such as body language, voice modulation, eye contact, and creating compelling content. Online reviews and feedback from your professional instructors and peers helps in identifying your strengths and areas for improvement—a rare opportunity that you likely won’t get in a traditional classroom setting.

Moreover, many of these online courses offer certificates upon completion. This certification not only adds significant value to your resume, it also proves to potential employers that you are committed to learning and evolving.

One of the critical facets that remains threadbare in many individuals’ skill set is ‘self development training‘. This forms an integral part in honing one’s public speaking skills. Self development training helps to understand oneself better, identify personal and professional goals and develop skills required to achieve them. Public speaking plays a significant role in this developmental journey. Hence, improving your public speaking skills through online classes also contributes enormously to your self development training.

In conclusion, public speaking is a skill that you should seek to develop regardless of your profession or lifestyle. The best way to master this skill is through consistency and practice, and what better way than to enroll in an online public speaking class, enabling you to learn at your own pace and comfort. Incorporating this new skill through self development training would indeed be a fruitful investment for yourself and your career.

How To Make A Memorable Wedding Speach

How to Make a Memorable Wedding Speach


Mike Pagan

Wedding speeches when done well can be the highlight of the party, but they are very often dreaded by those who have to give them. The main reason for this is that we are just not used to public speaking.

Having recently been Best Man at my best friends wedding, I saw close up the stresses and strains all the speakers were going through before delivering their speeches. With that in mind I thought I would share my top tips to help you deliver a relaxed, enjoyable and memorable wedding speech! There are many more – this is just an appetiser.Everyone is behind you


Its true. This is a wedding and everyone is on your side, no one wants you to do badly. They want to be entertained, and it wont take too much to do so. Visualize the end of the speech, you have nailed it, there is thunderous applause and the audience are smiling.Its not a speech

This is not The Kings Speech, you are simply having a conversation at a largish dinner party and all you are doing is sharing a few stories to wish some friends well and thanking people on the top table.Control your emotions by breathing

Take time to pause, take a breath and carry on. Many people believe they need to be speaking constantly. Pause, have a quick drink and allow the audience to catch up, this will also give you time to gather your thoughts and recover should you need to. Practise to your video camera (in private)

You might hate this idea but believe me, it works. Record yourself delivering your speech 3 times on camera and then watch it back. Initially you will query your voice or how you look. Once you have stopped criticising yourself for being who you are you will notice which stories and anecdotes knit well together and which ones sounded not quite right. Smile, smile and smile again

Make eye contact with the wedding party while you are speaking; look around to the other guests and talk with a smile. You may not be entirely comfortable delivering your speech but if you smile the audience will love you all the more and give you that standing ovation at the end.

Do you want some help with your wedding speech? Contact me on enquiries@mikepagan.com to investigate some personal coaching or a group session for your wedding party.

\”My passion is productivity, one of my greatest frustrations in life is seeing talent and opportunities go to waste because of faffing about.\”

Mike Pagan Motivational SpeakerStop Faffing About

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Life Coaching How To Attract More Clients

Submitted by: Christina Cordle

Being a life coach is such a rewarding profession. Not only you get to have a regular job, you also get to help people who have problems. These days, a lot of people are seeking the help of professional life coaches. Since each of us has our own share of struggles in work, in our relationships, and in our life in general, the demand for life coaches have increased these past few years. Being a good life coach would not be enough to attract many clients. A marketing plan should be formulated in order for you to let people who need your help find you. Here are some tips to get you started in attracting potential clients:

Choosing the Right Demographics Ask yourself who are your target market and try focusing your marketing efforts on them. There are different approaches when it comes to marketing for coaches so you need to take a step back and analyze which market you want to penetrate. Targeting a specific age group, gender, and location would make it easier for you to market yourself. Choosing the right demographic would also help you lessen the level of competition so you won t need to spend a lot of effort.


Advertising Methods The internet is your best friend. There are just so many ways to put up an advertisement over the internet. Start with social media and work your way through other internet marketing options. Almost everyone has a Facebook or a Twitter account so take advantage of those types of platforms in the internet. Be creative in creating your account profile and make sure that it is suitable for your target audience. As much as possible try to utilize free advertising methods especially if you are just starting out. If you have the resources, it would be perfect to have your own personal website created. Having your own website would increase your value and people would feel comfortable and confident in employing your services.

Give Freebies Everybody loves freebies. This is one way to instantly attract the attention of potential clients. You may put up a simple video and talk about some basic tips about life coaching. You can also create life coaching articles and post it in top article directories or in your own website. People will love you if you give out free stuff. If people love you, it would be a great promotion too since there would be a great possibility that they will recommend you to other people.

Those are just simple but very effective ways to get known and attract clients. Personal skills are always necessary but it would be nothing if people do not know you. Come up with a great marketing strategy and put it into action. If necessary, you may seek help from advertising or marketing experts to help you setup your campaign. It is rare to find a job these days wherein you can earn while helping others. Just by following these simple tips, you can offer your services to a lot of people who need help out there.

About the Author: Christina Cordle enjoys writing for Coachestrainingblog which is an online resource on

marketing for coaches


life coaching articles

as well as other related subjects.



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Dell Emc E05 001 Information Storage And Management V3 Dumps}

Dell EMC E05-001 Information Storage and Management V3 dumps



Passcert provides you with Dell EMC E05-001 Information Storage and Management V3 dumps that reflect the actual exam. Further more, we will update the products regularly without lag which can ensure you master the knowledge quickly and pass fast. So to make your chance final, Passcert Dell EMC E05-001 Information Storage and Management V3 dumps are the promised way to your bright future. We can guarantee your success and passing your E05-001 exam. The training we provide here is designed to elevate your skills and understanding so that not only you can correctly answer your Dell EMC E05-001 Information Storage and Management V3 dumps accurately but you will comprehend the material to the point where handling situations and common problems as if they were everyday occurrences.

In order to get with this E05-001 exam certification in a reliable way, it is necessary for the people to consider about the best and efficient things regarding the EMC exam.In order to get great success in your career it would be more efficient for you to go through the Passcert Dell EMC E05-001 Information Storage and Management V3 dumps in order to make your career as the best one.

Share some Cloud Architect E05-001 exam questions and answers below.

Which type of digital data consists of textual data with inconsistent formats but can be formatted with the use of software tools?

A. Quasi-structured data

B. Semi-structured data

C. Metadata

D. Unstructured data

Answer: A

What is an accurate statement about Software as a Service?

A. Consumer has limited control over user-specific application configuration settings

B. Consumer has control over the operating systems and deployed applications

C. Consumer has control over the configuration settings of the application-hosting environment

D. Consumer has limited control over select networking components, such as host firewalls

Answer: A

What is an accurate statement about the application presentation technique of application virtualization?

A. Application executes remotely and its user interface is transmitted to the client


B. Application is downloaded in portions on the client for local execution

C. Application executes on the client without the use of a locally-installed agent

D. Application is converted into a standalone package that directly executes on the client

Answer: A

Which capability does big data analytics provide?

A. Enabling data-driven decisions from large volumes of data

B. Storing large volumes of data without affecting availability

C. Reducing the data storage capacity requirement

D. Performing analytics using traditional tools

Answer: A

What is an accurate statement about the application streaming technique of application virtualization?

A. Application is downloaded in portions on the client for local execution

B. Application executes remotely and its user interface is transmitted to the client

C. Application executes on the client without the use of a locally-installed agent

D. Application is converted into a standalone package that directly executes on the client

Answer: A

Which data center management process involves collating and presenting the utilization of resources?

A. Reporting

B. Provisioning

C. Planning

D. Maintenance

Answer: A

Which cloud computing characteristic enables multi-tenancy and abstracts the location of provided resources?

A. Resource pooling

B. Measured service

C. Rapid elasticity

D. Broad network access

Answer: A

What is an accurate statement about a hybrid cloud?

A. Supports data and application portability for load balancing between clouds

B. Allows organizations with common concerns to share the cost of deploying the cloud

C. Enables the entire cloud infrastructure to be controlled by the consumers IT staff

D. Allows an organization to outsource the implementation of a private cloud to a cloud provider

Answer: A

What is signified by the variability characteristic of big data?

A. Meaning of the data changes constantly

B. Data is generated in different formats by numerous sources

C. Data change rate affects its timely analysis

D. Varying data quality affects its reliability and accuracy

Answer: A

Which type of digital data has no defined format but has a self-describing structure that enables its analysis?

A. Semi-structured data

B. Structured data

C. Metadata

D. Quasi-structured data

Answer: A

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Passcert provides you the latest Dell EMC E05-001 Information Storage and Management V3 dumps to help you best prepare for your test and pass your exam easily.

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Sports Coaching Can You Give You Vital Motivation In Your Training

Sports Coaching Can You Give You Vital Motivation In Your Training


Rowan A Johnson

Whether you are an elite athlete or participate in activity for health reasons and for fun then there is one common problem for all – how do you stay motivated? Of course some people are more self-disciplined or motivated than others however there is no getting away from it; pounding the pedals, the pool, or the track can get you down. On top of this, when it’s a dreary day or you are feeling the pressures of life; isn’t it so much easier to stay at home and have a cup of tea?


How can you keep motivated particularly when the going gets tough? Well I’m afraid the answer is that you have to work at it. I challenge anyone who can wave a magic wand to provide motivation. This is because motivation is an internal energy that keeps us moving and energy is difficult to obtain and retain. Therefore it has to be accepted that motivation is an integral part of the training programme and since it doesn’t always flow easily then it needs to be worked upon. How often do we see both individuals and teams fail not because they haven’t got the physical capability but because they are lacking in drive, attitude and confidence. So what can a sports performance coach do to help? In the same way a sports coach can hone physical skills such as co-ordination, power, flexibility and ball control then a sports performance coach can help with the motivation training programme in order to achieve results and ultimately the desired goals. They have at their disposal a number of tools and techniques that can be used for training. Whatever an individual’s sporting/physical level here are just three important ways that a sports performance coach can help achieve success. Firstly, they can ensure that an individual is crystal clear on their purpose and goals. This is done through questions such as ‘what does being an athlete/player do for you?’ ‘What will it do for you once you have achieved the goal(s) you want?’ ‘How will you feel when you have achieved the goal?’ If people have enough compelling reasons they will do anything otherwise wrong decisions can often be made. How many times do you hear of people joining gyms for reasons such as they want to lose weight but then never actually go near them so end up doing nothing? Gyms are not cheap and so this seems rather a waste of money. There may be strong reasons to lose weight but have people questioned whether the gym is the right environment for an individual when invariably people actually hate the gym but may love an alternative activity such as dancing. Finding fun is the priority and then a great body work out will naturally follow. This will promote a ‘feel good factor’ which will naturally get you to want more of the same. If an elite athlete is no longer having fun at their chosen sport, is it not time to hang their boots up and choose another challenge? Once a vision has been formed of what is wanted, then the athlete along with the sports performance coach can work on making the vision bigger, brighter and even more compelling and this image can then be accessed whenever the going gets tough. Secondly everyone has strategies for the way that they do things and for achieving results. However sometimes these strategies break down and they don’t serve us well. This is the time to take stock and take a different approach to how goals can be achieved. At times, it is difficult to think of new and creative strategies. Bouncing ideas around with a performance coach can reshape thinking and open new possibilities. This can then provide a new lease of life. Thirdly it is important to measure progress and then reward yourself for progress made. Most goals can be split into milestones and so tracking progress is straightforward. If we are going to run the marathon we are not going to start by running 26 miles on the first day of training. By keeping a chart and breaking the task into manageable chunks it will help with motivation. If each milestone is passed easily, then how nice it is to reward yourself. This is one of the most powerful ways to keep motivated. So these practical approaches can now be added to the training regime and they will aid motivation. Always keep in mind though Agassi’s realisation. He hated playing tennis but was forced into it by his father until he got to a stage in his career that actually he was choosing to play the game and nobody else was influencing him. Therefore he was able to get on and enjoy it!

Rowan Johnson is passionate about personal and professional development and leads the MindSet UK team, a company providing

performance coaching

for life, sports and business. Rowan is a Master NLP Practitioner, Stress Management Counsellor, Style Coach and Fitness Trainer.

Mob. 07973 340785 Web. mindsetuk.org

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Sports Coaching Can You Give You Vital Motivation In Your Training

Public Speaking Is An Art

Submitted by: Nate K.

Public speaking can be referred to as an act of speaking to a group of people or a crowd. This act of speaking is done in order to convince and entertain the people in a formal and polite manner. In North America, the art and science of speaking to a group of people is referred to as forensics which literally gives the meaning ‘public argument or debate’.

The real intention of public speaking may be to entertain a crowd or to motivate them for a certain cause or transmitting information. It can also be like telling a simple story.

History of public speaking

The early known framed rules for public speaking dates back to 500 B.C. The principles of public speaking were practiced in Greece. However, there have been certain modifications in the rules and principles of this type of presentation due to the fact that societies and cultures have been changed from the olden days as the technology and other things developed.


Nowadays there are several advanced medium through which we can speak fluently to a group of people. Internet plays a vital part in this sophisticated way of public speaking. Another feature is the video conferencing through which you can see and address the entire crowd even from one end to the other end of the world.

Training for public speaking

There are many clubs that are spread worldwide, which effectively teaches and trains with the art of public speaking. Some of the clubs are Toastmasters, Rostrum, the ASC or Association of Speakers Club and International Training in Communication or ITC. These organizations provide a strategic training for speaking to groups of people.

More often, the training program involves the following structure. The sequence starts with the training to oratory skills followed by the use of gestures, control of voice, vocabulary, speaking notes and the use of humor in between the speech. The training also teaches how to develop a relation with the audience.

Using the platforms that are mentioned above can yield great results. It is possible to develop the speaking skill in a very effective manner. Great leaders such as Hitler, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King are some of the finest examples of good orators or public speakers who had a great impact on the society and had some influence over the people.

International Organizations

As mentioned above there are numerous organizations that offer development program for public speaking. The Toastmasters international is an organization that has many branches or clubs worldwide assisting their members to develop their speaking skills and leadership skills.

Apart from the international organizations, there are also other national organizations that provide guidance program for their country people. For instance, The National Forensics Association is a national non-profitable organization that provides many training sessions that help in improving the speaking and leadership qualities of a person.

The American Forensics Organization is another educational organization that features many new guidance programs that help their country people in improving their public speaking skills. Various countries also have these sorts of national organizations for providing their country people with good speaking skills.

About the Author: As a public speaking teacher, N. Kay helps students and professionals become better public speakers. You can visit his

public speaking tips

website for a step by step list on how to write an effective speech. You can also find lots of informative speech topics and

persuasive speech topics

to help you succeed in making the most effective speech for your speech c



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How To Establish Your Life Coach Practice}

How To Establish Your Life Coach Practice


I am delighted to share with you some of my experiences in developing my practice as a Life Coach, in the hope that they will help you and make your process of becoming a successful coach painless and easy.

When I started my practice, I did not have clear ideas of which sort of coaching I was ‘supposed’ to do, whether I needed to focus on a particular niche or a particular topic; I asked many opinions to other coaches, I did many attempts of marketing, but somehow I was struggling. I was putting a lot of pressure on myself, as I needed to be financially independent; I was also worrying about my lack of experience in marketing and running a business and I was feeling stuck.

I was trying to find an answer from the ‘outside’, and it doesn’t work this way.


And then one day it daunted on me: I needed to simply connect my business with my heart. I needed to go inside myself, and start from who I am, my values, my unique way of being and develop my way of coaching from there.

And these are my advices to you:

1.Go inside yourself, listen to the extraordinary and unique person you truly are and what you love most; in this way you will discover your unique way of coaching, your brand, what makes you different from all the other coaches out there.

2.Then, you need to find out in which ways you want to market your unique way of coaching, whether it is public speaking, writing, seminars; you need to discover what is that you love doing most.

3.And once you know this, you can decide to which niche you are going to market.

So, if you are connected with who you are and your passions and do what you enjoy, everything will become very easy and effortless.

And another thing that I would advise, is to ask for help when you need; some people think that because we are coaches we can first of all organize our time as if we have 55 hours in a day and then we are capable of doing everything; well, my advice would be to ask for help if you do not know about i.e. internet, or marketing, or accountancy, just ask for help: you would make your life much easier, and give you the time to focus on what you love most. And you deserve this.

Piercarla Garusi is a Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Hypnotic Practitioner, Director of PG Coaching Ltd. She is passionate about helping you be well, and create a life that makes you truly happy. Please visit: http://www.pgcoaching.co.uk, info@pgcoaching.co.uk.

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