Apple I Pad A Few Points On Features And Making The Right Selection

By SeanM Murphy

Apples iPad has gained immense popularity as a mobile computing device. It is used by professionals and students alike. In fact, the iPad holds the distinction of being the king of tablet PCs, so it is not surprising to see gadget enthusiasts sparing no efforts to own one. But the iPad is not exactly a cheap purchase, so you have to be sure that this is the ideal gadget for your needs. To get better acquainted with its features and interface, you can rent one from an iPad rental company first to make a judicious purchase decision.

Multi-touch screen

Just as the iPod Touch and the iPhone have a multi touch display, the iPad also has a multi touch screen. The iPad does not have a mouse, a physical keyboard or any keypad buttons. The multi-touch screen has virtual buttons and system controls that are designed to do any task. This includes an on-screen keyboard as well.

Light weight and portable features

The Apple iPad weighs an approximate of 1.5 pounds, which makes it a very light computing device. It has a tablet layout that allows the user to carry it about with ease while traveling.

Multitasking in iPads

The iPad screen can be split into two parts that enables it to multitask with ease. You can use one section of the screen for browsing the web and the other section for basic multitasking like editing photos, blogs, sending e-mail etc.

Among numerous other features like the enhanced amount of storage space, WiFi facility, adding the option of getting upgrades, which include 3G coverage, make the iPad attractive. To get an idea about the level of multi-tasking, you can rent the device from an iPad rental service at cheap rates.

How to select your iPad

Determining the storage space you need is necessary when you plan to buy an iPad. The device comes with a space of 16GB, 32GB and 64GB. If you intend having material only for your daily use, a 16GB iPad is ideal. In case you intend storing data for future use or if you have an extensive collection of pictures, files, spread sheets of articles, games, e-books etc you can select a device with the storage space of 32GB or 64 GB.

Next is to determine the choice of model based on connectivity. iPad models have an in-built Wi-Fi system. In case you do not have the need to travel; you can opt for iPad with Wi-Fi. You can use the device with the help of a wireless internet router in your home.

If you are constantly on the move, you can opt for an iPad that clubs a Wi-Fi with 3G. The feature of 3G makes use of cellular signals, which will help you connect to the internet on your business or pleasure trips.

With an iPad the world is at your fingertips. You have all the features necessary for effective communication, be it with your workplace, family or friends. So, what are you waiting for? Get the iPad experience by renting one from an iPad rental company and once you discover how great the tablet is, starting saving up to make the purchase.

About the Author: For more information on

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, contact a technology professional at Vernon Computer Source.


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How Do Thieves Gauge Whether Your House Makes A Good Target

By Richard Armen

The old saying ‘you can’t judge a book by its cover,’ may be true, but it isn’t necessarily something that applies to every situation. Just as we often judge individuals by the way that they look, thieves also judge homes based on the way that they look from the street. Many thieves go about ‘casing’ homes in order to figure out: 1) if a home is worth breaking into, 2) how easy it would be to break into, 3) whether or not they can get away without being seen.

If you watch the nature channel, you’ve undoubtedly seen lions and tigers stalking through the jungle, eyeing their prey. Thieves aren’t much different. They stalk through neighborhoods and communities in search of prey. So what exactly are they looking for? Ideally, they’re looking for a property that tells them that there are things of value inside. In addition to that, they are also looking for a property that looks easy to break into. Thieves know that homes that look like they contain valuable possessions often mean that the owners have taken security precautions, which can present more of a challenge.


So, how do thieves gauge whether your house makes a good target, just from driving past it? One of the first things they look for is how well the home has been cared for. They use the ‘broken window theory’: if there is a broken window on a home or building, then the building must not be cared for. Likewise, if a home is in even a moderate state of disrepair, it announces to thieves that there is probably very little security in place. For that matter, the front door may not even be locked. Hence, it’s probably worth breaking into the home just in case there’s something of value inside, even if the thief doesn’t think the homeowners are wealthy people.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, too much security may attract the wrong kind of attention as well. While it’s certainly important to protect your home – even if you think you don’t own anything worth stealing – is there such a thing as too much security? A multitude of high-tech cameras, plus burglar bars and a barking dog, combine to form an interesting picture of the home. Together, they work as a sort of announcement that there is something of value inside. Though all of these security measures are enough to deter an opportunistic thief, they may make your home more attractive to a professional thief looking for a big payout.

So what’s the best solution? Keep your home in repair, promptly replacing anything that breaks or becomes worn out. Tend to your yard and pay attention to how your home looks to the neighbors. A well lit home also prevents theft, because it increases the chances that the thief will be seen breaking in. Install appropriate security devices around the home, but don’t make it seem as though you are trying to build a maximum-security prison.

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