Proper Use Of Stock Trading Software

One of the staple techniques in trading FOREX (Foreign currency exchange) is called trend trading. This method of trading currency pairs is really simple. You decide which currency pairing you want to trade, then perform some analysis on the pair for the last 60 days, 90 days or even a year. This gives you a good feel for how the pair moves and when the best time to buy exists.Speculation can be taken away from your stock & currency trades with stock trading software. Some software is free to use and others require a purchase but the end result remains to be; buy low, sell high and increase your profit margin. You may be questioning if and why you should use stock trading software. Can it be trusted? The answers are complete automated operation and YES, you can absolutely place your trust in stock trading software.Manual technical analysis can take time because you need to trace each currency pair through charts and graphs or on FOREX trading web sites. Stock trading software puts those tools at your command. It is positively crucial for a trader to have fresh and up to the second trending information and software makes it available to you on a constant basis.To find and select the right stock trading software for you as an individual, a few things should be considered. Foremost among them is education and training, especially for novices just starting out. Look for a free virtual trial period. This allows you to use the software, see how it fits you and test the technical analysis features in real time.Trading signals are another factor in using stock trading software. Trading signals tell you when a commodity is at a low point. You enter the trade and sell the item when it rises again. That is how you are best going to make profits with stock trading software. Stock trading software can automatically enter a trade on your behalf when a currency hits a specific level and then sell when it goes higher. All this takes place even when you aren’t watching and is the foundation of trend trading.The stock exchanges are completely automated and real time info updates are a necessity. Select a piece of stock trading software that provides rapid updates that can be analyzed fast and be prepared to make your buy or sell accordingly. The markets are fast moving, so you must keep the pace as well as stay informed.Next, see if the software uses a price to earnings (P/E) ratio option. This is basically a percentage of profit related to the price paid on average. The higher the P/E ratio, the more likely you are to make a profitable trade on it. Among stock trading software programs, this is the most commonly used analysis tool. Most high end software programs will have this.Trading software helps you with data analysis, trade selection decisions and makes automatic entries to the market for you. Almost a “set it and forget it” type scenario. Trend lines, graphs and charts are all analysis tools that can be utilized to find the best entry ad exit points. Trades can take place 24 hours a day since it is always tomorrow somewhere in the world. Take advantage of the automation.

Owner Builders And Home Warranty Insurance Nsw

By Frank Egan – LAC Lawyers

We are often approached by people who have decided to build their own home as owner builders rather than retain a licensed builder. There is a common misconception that not only will the house be cheaper but owner builders do not bear the same responsibilities with respect to home warranty insurance as licensed builders. As advised in previous articles, licensed builders bear a mandatory obligation to take out home warranty insurance if the value of the contract exceeds $12,000. This insurance protects against the death, disappearance or insolvency of the builder. It does not protect against defects. Where defects cover was previously available it allowed the nominated insurer to compensate the home owner for defects yet they were entitled to recover their losses from the builder/responsible party.

Owner/builders are not necessarily required to carry home warranty insurance during the course of building their own home or when they are living in it, but when they seek to sell the property they are required to obtain a certificate of home warranty insurance. There are a number of brokers and insurers that offer this cover. Where problems arise the buyer can rely upon this insurance for protection. Irrespective many owner builders believe that home warranty insurance is all-encompassing including defects which it is not. There are a number of owner builders including tradespersons who take the view that provided council has inspected the dwelling during the course of construction they don’t bear any liability for defects but council does. This could not be further from the truth as Council has attended as an inspectorial authority to ensure that what is being built accords with what has been approved. It is not there to ensure that the building is without defects or to protect both the owner builder or any subsequent buyer from problems associated with the death, disappearance or insolvency of any person involved with the construction of the dwelling.

Owner builders often forget that where they substitute for a licensed builder they assume the role and responsibilities of the builder and need to ensure that they comply with their statutory obligations. Owner builders have obligations under the NSW Workers Compensation Act 1987 and the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2000. The Occupational Health & Safety Act 2000 extends to include any employees of theirs or anybody who visits the site at any time during the course of construction. Owner builders need insurance to protect both themselves and the site works which can be done by effecting:

1 home warranty insurance;


2 workers compensation insurance;

3 contract works insurance; and

4 public liability insurance.

Home Warranty and Workers Compensation Insurance are required by law. As for contract works and public liability insurance, they are optional and often bundled together and sold as a contractors all risks policy. Essentially the protection under any one of them is not duplicated by the others as they all fit together to provide cover.

It is important to recall that with home warranty insurance it is not issued on a general replacement value basis but is subject to either a limit of indemnity of $300,000 as from 1.3.07 (previously $200,000) or a limit specified and agreed to by the insured to cover the cost of construction. It should always be remembered that this limit may prove to be inadequate because building costs often escalate for any number of reasons including variations and therefore this is something which needs to be watched closely by the home owner. Sometimes builders deliberately understate the actual construction costs to obtain a cheaper premium. It is worth noting that although this area falls under the control of the Office of Fair Trading as home warranty insurance is a matter dealt with by the States, this does not automatically exclude the operation of the Trade Practises Act.

From 1 January 1999 any licensed contractor who contracts with an owner builder to undertake residential building work must provide home warranty insurance from an approved insurer. Currently insurance is required where the work to be performed by that tradesperson exceeds $12,000. For the sake of completeness where an owner builder decides to sell his/her home within a period of six years of completing the work they will need to take out home warranty insurance where the value of the works performed exceeds $12,000. Currently, under home warranty insurance an approved insurer is taken to have admitted a claim after 90 days if they have not obtained an extension of time either from the OFT or the tribunal. Three months or more is a long time to wait for an insurer to respond to any claim particularly given the history normally associated with these matters. Insurers in this area are trying to minimise their financial exposure and although there are a number of safeguards under the legislation these can be easily circumvented.

Legislative changes have also had an impact in regard to making sure that where a property is sold by an owner builder within the six-year period then the contract for sale must include a note that an owner builder permit was issued in relation to the work; that the work done under the permit required home warranty insurance; and attach a copy of the home warranty insurance certificate.

Whether you be home owner, builder or owner builder and encounter any problems associated with building and construction or home warranty insurance please do not hesitate to contact LAC Lawyers on 1300 799 888 to arrange an appointment. Remember, matters only get worse the longer you leave them and the more they cost to resolve. Further reforms are contemplated in this area.

About the Author: Frank Egan is the Chief Executive Officer of LAC Building Construction Lawyers Sydney and has over 27 years of experience as a lawyer.


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Solar Heating For Above Ground Swimming Pools Start Saving On Heating Bills

If you own an above ground swimming pool and want to save on heating bills while helping the environment, it’s time to consider using solar energy to keep your pool warm. After all, the sun’s energy is free and provides a far greener option than non-renewable energy sources such as electricity. There are many different solar pool heating options available, including above ground solar pool blankets and reels, sun pool domes and solar pool heating systems with solar panels. No matter what type of solar pool heating product or system you decide to use, you will significantly lower your heating costs while enjoying warm water, a longer swimming season and the knowledge that you are helping the planet.

Many pool owners are already using solar pool blankets and reels for above ground pools to help them harness energy from the sun. Above ground solar pool reels and blankets are probably one of the best-known ways to use solar energy for heating pool water and can raise the temperature of an above ground pool by 10 to 15°F. Widely available and with many economically priced models, above ground solar pool blankets feature thousands of tiny air pockets which make the blankets appear similar to bubble wrap. These air pockets serve to transfer heat from the sun into the swimming pool as well as to retain heat and prevent heat loss through evaporation. Solar pool & spa blankets are available in a variety of thicknesses (usually between 8-mil to 16-mil), each with their own features & length of warranty so there’s sure to be one that’s perfect for your pool and your budget.

While some pool owners may think that above ground solar pool blankets would be too difficult to deal with as a result of their size, above ground solar pool reels provide a solution to this problem. Above ground solar pool reels use a hand crank to manually remove or cover the pool. They’re easy to use and greatly enhance the convenience of using a solar pool cover. When used together, solar pool blankets and reels for above ground pools provide a very handy and straightforward way to make effective use of energy from the sun.

However, if you would prefer to use a solar pool heating method that offers even greater convenience than using solar pool blankets and reels for above ground pools, you might want to consider using solar sun rings or solar pills. Solar sun rings are buoyant vinyl inflatable discs that focus and absorb sunlight, transforming it into heat which is transmitted into the pool water. When a set of solar sun rings are placed on the water, they join together to form an insulating blanket which covers all but 20 to 30% of the water’s surface. The reason for leaving part of the water uncovered is to allow some direct sunlight to still reach the water, which promotes the health of the water and reduces the incidence of algae growth.

Solar sun rings can easily be handled by one person and are also very durable. However, if you want a product that offers ultimate convenience, solar pills could be the right option for you. Solar pills are simply placed in the pump basket and release a harmless compound which forms an invisible shield over the surface of the water. This shield serves to reduce heat loss through evaporation. While solar pills require the least amount of effort to use, they are typically only 60% as effective as above ground solar pool blankets.

Sun pool domes are another solar pool heating option. Sun pool domes are designed to enclose swimming pools completely and provide a number of benefits. By keeping pools enclosed, sun pool domes provide protection from airborne pollutants, debris and the elements. At the same time, sun pool domes enhance heat retention which keeps water warmer and allows for longer swimming seasons. While sun pool domes need to be assembled at the beginning of the season and taken down at the end of the season, they can extend your swim season and greatly reduce heating costs as well as the effort required to keep your pool clean.

In addition to all of the above solar pool heating options, there are also advanced solar pool heating systems available such as the SunGrabber solar pool heating system. The SunGrabber system uses solar panels to effectively and efficiently transform sunlight into heat. Solar pool heating systems are very environmentally friendly and can significantly reduce or even completely eliminate heating costs for your swimming pool.

If you are interested in using the SunGrabber system or any of the above solar pool heating products, you can find everything you need for installation and assembly in convenient solar heating kits. Once your system or product is ready to use, you can immediately begin to channel the sun’s free, green energy into your swimming pool. Whether you prefer above ground solar pool blankets and reels or solar panels, solar pool heating will allow you to save on heating bills while reducing your reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

Packaging Meat Products Advantages And Marketing Strategies

Meat is usually a traditional diet in most parts of the world. With the increase of population, there was an increase in the quantity of meat products as well. Processed meat products are technologically advanced because they are seasoned with special herbs and spices.

Packaged meat usually retains the shape and texture of the original cut as it is preserved for a long period of time. Smoked meat is preserved through the use of heat, smoke and salt. Pickled meat is prepared by adding vinegar to the solution. Dry meat is one of the oldest method of preserving meat. It involves cutting meat into small strips and leaving in an open environment so that the heat can reduce the water content. Fermented meat is usually ground, spiced and prepared in the shape of sausages.

If you want to learn more about the meat products in Armenian, then you can take advantage of the Armenian Meat Products Translation. There are several advantages of packaged meats products and how these products can be best used for advertising.

Advantages of Packaging

A lot of people have become health conscious so, they like to buy packaged foods. Proper packaging of your meat products can protect from damage and contamination by micro-organisms, air, moisture and toxins. The packaged meat product also acts as a barrier from bacteria, oxygen, dust etc. Packaging can easily help your customers to compare between similar products. The color, material and size of the package also gives information about the quality of the meat product.

One of the best way to package your meat products is by using the vacuum packaging method. This is very essential because it prevents your meat products from bacterial growth without stopping the natural aging process. Vacuum packaged meat is a little pale once it is opened due to lack of oxygen but within a while it blossoms into a cherry red color. Once the vacuum has been broken you can only use the meat products within four to five days.

According to the medical studies, it is very important to package your meat products. For additional reference, you can use the Medical Translation Services for those customers who cannot understand your language.

Marketing Your Packaged Products

When you go to a store, the shelves are full of various products stored in bottles, jars, boxes and other containers. Similarly, the same goes for packaged meat products. You will find several types of packaged meat products such as undercut meat, sausages, nuggets, ham, hot dogs, beef patties and many more.

According to the studies, packaging your meat products can increase customer satisfaction and also can be easily noticed. In addition, packaging plays a significant role in the labelling the product. It can also attract the customers by giving them a variety of packaged meat products to choose from. Packaging can also help in increasing the sales by sharing information about the product such as nutritional information, usage or directions. If you want to properly advertise your meat products, try not to hire the Cheap Translation Services just because they are cost effective. Get the best translation services especially for people who have no knowledge of English.

If you have customers all over the world, you can hire the Global Translation Services that will be very helpful and will translate the information about your meat products in all the different languages. Moreover, if you are starting a business in Armenia, make use of the Armenian Meat Products Translation.

How To Boost Your Business With A Virtual Phone Number?

In-depth analytics: The virtual number solution will give detailed analytics that will provide a comprehensive view of your business that will let you make the best decisions in your company’s interest. The solution gives you call and campaign reports, caller location, and analytics. The data helps analyze the traffic generated and helps in optimum use and resource allocation to improve the same.

Smart Call Routing: Virtual numbers give you the flexibility and ease of intelligent routing and enable the most appropriate agent to take the calls and provide the best feedback and satisfactory responses to the callers. The virtual number solution automatically redirects customer calls to the available agents based on parameters such as caller history and location. The calls are directed to regional agents to offer a personalized experience to the customers.

Multiple call handling: The virtual number solution allows a business to handle up to 50 calls simultaneously. It helps companies to increase the pick-up rate by 80%! Also, it helps to manage the peak hour call load effortlessly and efficiently. So, an organization does not miss even a single call and quickly addresses its customers’ concerns.

Universal CRM Integration- Yes, the virtual phone numbers are equipped with capabilities to integrate with leading CRM software. A business can create a customizable dashboard to synchronize customer information from different sources and use the same to make better decisions.


Tap both the local and international markets: Virtual numbers allow your business to be global and reach out to prospective clients in any part of the world. A business organization can get virtual numbers to engage with clients in domestic and international markets, ensuring that it grows by leaps and bounds by increasing its domestic market and creating a global footprint.

VOIP and PSTN support- Virtual phone numbers support the traditional PSTN calling across the globe and facilitates VOIP calling in International markets. So, it meets your diverse requirements and assists you in reaching out to your clients efficiently.

Hosted Services: A hefty upfront investment can drain a business- the SMEs and mid-size business in particular. But with the virtual numbers, there’s no investment required in infrastructure. The virtual phone number solution customizes IVR flow and allows quick universal CRM integrations. It provides APIs to address the clients’ business requirements efficiently.

Increase productivity: The Virtual number solution is equipped with several capabilities that offer a streamlined business operation. With advanced features such as auto keyword spotting, IVR automation, and AI-driven sentiment analysis, the solution is certainly more than a phone number. It’s a complete solution that an organization can use to leverage its business.

Round-the-clock support: The virtual number solution allows a business to receive support 24×7 throughout the year to function without any glitches. With 24×7 availability, it gives a business a professional image.

With so many advantages, it is easy to recognize the several benefits a virtual phone number offers to a business. Therefore, it makes complete sense to get the solution. It will ensure the business’s growth and provide maximum satisfaction to its customers and retain them.

Tax Planning: Top 6 Strategies In 2023

Taxation imposes on different social groups, including persons with high or low incomes. Only some people can do tax planning and achieve effective financial practices.

You must be wondering how these people can follow their taxes without paying money or tax evasion from financial issues.

We will address several strategies in this article that help you plan and reduce the value of your taxes.

Best tax planning strategies:

The concept of tax planning aims to create many creative economic ideas in tax accounting. Dealing with the tax chain, the possibility of obtaining an exemption from specific tax amounts in the business. Here is a set of the most important strategies:

  • Investing in the buy and retention of bonds:

This strategy is one of the most essential and famous tax planning strategies.

Capital taxes are levied when making a profit, such as selling a property and taking advantage of its price (then the tax must pay).

Thus buying and holding bonds (both from private companies and a government entity) will not make you pay sales taxes.

Besides, investments can always keep to an unlimited period; that is, you are postponing the payment of your selling taxes to the time you like.

While at the same time, the price of bonds can increase and thus make more profits.

Government bonds can sometimes buy from the country where they live for a certain monthly interest. This amount may be tax-free, depending on the country.

Where they live, interest paid in government bonds is less than their counterpart in private companies but safer.

  • Investing in private business:

Private economic and business businesses help create more profit opportunities for greater annual income. Besides, allowing formal applications for tax deductions for many expenses. Such as a discount on workers’ health insurance services and a conclusion for some home expenses.

A deduction for business expenses and expenses, and a discount for office or shop rent.

Remember, to get these discounts; you must own your NO.

If you don’t have capital, you can invest in any successful company to get paid and start your own business. This may help you own many skills, such as financial understanding and problem-solving skills.

  • precise study and planning of house taxes:

Tax planning using this strategy is effective if you have several properties (in different countries or states).

Attention should pay to analysing and studying reports that explain the best tax performance in these countries—taking into account the search for all data and information to reach the ideal tax planning for you.

If you have a property with a low tax ratio, Try to make this property your permanent place.

Thereby managing and saving a lot of taxes. But you should pay attention; there may be other high taxes.

Careful investigation requires house taxes to get the help of a financial accountant or tax adviser to identify all the tax amounts to pay for.

Paying the financial value of the tax can be very useful for financial planning.

Many states and states introduce a law that provides for deducting a certain amount from the total value of the tax when paying early. In this case, do not hesitate to pay your taxes early to reduce the money lost on taxes in the future.

  • Subscribe to Plan (401 K plans):

The 401(k) Plan is one of the most prominent and efficient tax planning strategies for individuals and companies and has the support of many employers.

The employer deducts a small number of employees’ salaries while providing many tax benefits.

The most important is to improve the general tax obligations that the employee will pay each year.

With the K 401 Plan, you can defer the payment of tax amounts due to all the financial profits you earn. These profits are sums of money, investments, or shares.

K 401 contributes to reducing transportation, education, and health insurance expenses.

  • Reliance on Tax Exchange 1031:

When you want to sell a property that you own, and you want to reinvest in another property.

Nothing is more effective for you than the 1031 stock exchange can define or describe as an exchange. Selling in its content one property that you own, and in return, you can defer a tax payment.

Planning by Exchange 1013 is a complex tax planning strategy that contains a lot of puzzling professional laws and rules, so if you’re a novice in selling real estate training courses, such as accounting courses online UK.

You can get advice from selling and tax planning experts to help you avoid making financial mistakes.

Any mistake may make you lose your owner or the ability to get a tax deferral.

  • Establishment of a donor-advised fund:

Many countries make many legal tax deductions when donating to a charitable entity. So you can reduce your tax implications in the future by donating.

Placing in the donor fund all your contributions to get deductions in the taxes you pay.

Thereby achieving tax planning.

But an important thing you don’t know will harm you is that if you don’t create a “donor fund”, the possibility of deferring a tax will be for one year. Whereas if you have that fund, the case of waiting could be for years and even decades.

In conclusion, the importance of tax planning lies in its positive role for companies and individuals. It must ensure that the strategies and methods of tax planning are many, and the above has been the best and most distinctive.

Purchasing government bonds is the simplest, safest, and least profitable.

How To Make A Memorable Wedding Speach

How to Make a Memorable Wedding Speach


Mike Pagan

Wedding speeches when done well can be the highlight of the party, but they are very often dreaded by those who have to give them. The main reason for this is that we are just not used to public speaking.

Having recently been Best Man at my best friends wedding, I saw close up the stresses and strains all the speakers were going through before delivering their speeches. With that in mind I thought I would share my top tips to help you deliver a relaxed, enjoyable and memorable wedding speech! There are many more – this is just an appetiser.Everyone is behind you


Its true. This is a wedding and everyone is on your side, no one wants you to do badly. They want to be entertained, and it wont take too much to do so. Visualize the end of the speech, you have nailed it, there is thunderous applause and the audience are smiling.Its not a speech

This is not The Kings Speech, you are simply having a conversation at a largish dinner party and all you are doing is sharing a few stories to wish some friends well and thanking people on the top table.Control your emotions by breathing

Take time to pause, take a breath and carry on. Many people believe they need to be speaking constantly. Pause, have a quick drink and allow the audience to catch up, this will also give you time to gather your thoughts and recover should you need to. Practise to your video camera (in private)

You might hate this idea but believe me, it works. Record yourself delivering your speech 3 times on camera and then watch it back. Initially you will query your voice or how you look. Once you have stopped criticising yourself for being who you are you will notice which stories and anecdotes knit well together and which ones sounded not quite right. Smile, smile and smile again

Make eye contact with the wedding party while you are speaking; look around to the other guests and talk with a smile. You may not be entirely comfortable delivering your speech but if you smile the audience will love you all the more and give you that standing ovation at the end.

Do you want some help with your wedding speech? Contact me on to investigate some personal coaching or a group session for your wedding party.

\”My passion is productivity, one of my greatest frustrations in life is seeing talent and opportunities go to waste because of faffing about.\”

Mike Pagan Motivational SpeakerStop Faffing About

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The Complex Nature Of Exchange Rates In Forex Trading

An exchange rate is simply a score for one currency against another and represents the number of units of one currency that need to be exchanged for a single unit of another currency. The exchange rate is thus the price of one currency against another and, given the number of world currencies today, within the US alone there are literally dozens of exchange rates. Now that seems simple enough but, unfortunately, it is not quite that easy.Quite apart from these simple exchange rates, which are sometimes referred to as ‘spot’ rates, there are also a whole range of ‘trade weighted’ or ‘effective’ rates which show the movement of one currency against an average of several other currencies. There are also exchange rates which are used in markets such as the forwards markets in which delivery dates are set at some point in the future, rather than at the time of the initial transaction. In other words, there is no such thing as an exchange rate, but are in fact a series of different exchange rates depending upon the nature of the transaction.The foreign exchange market is driven largely by supply and demand and the exchange rate between any two currencies at any moment in time is influenced substantially by the interaction of the various players in the market. In a few cases currencies are still fixed, or the exchange rate is set by the monetary authorities, and when this is the case the country’s central bank will normally intervene if required and either buy or sell the currency to keep its exchange rate within a narrow and defined band. In the vast majority of cases however, and certainly in the case of the US, currencies are allowed to float and central banks do not normally, and certainly not routinely, intervene to support their currency. Accordingly, the exchange rate for a particular currency against other currencies is determined by players, large and small, who are buying and selling the currency at any particular moment in time.The mix of participants in the market is important and will affect different currencies to varying degrees. Some buyers and sellers deal in the market purely in support of international trade and are operating in the ‘goods’ market buying and selling currency to pay for merchandise being traded across national borders. Other dealers are buying and selling currencies in support of ‘portfolio investment’ and are trading in bonds, stocks and other financial instruments across national borders. Yet another group of currency traders are operating in the ‘money’ market and are trading short term debt across international borders.As if this were not complicated enough, this mix of traders whether they are paying for imports, investing, speculating, hedging, arbitraging or simply seeking to influence exchange rates are also focusing their attention of a variety of different timeframes in their trading which will range from a matter of minutes to several years.Against this background it is no wonder than predicting exchange rates is a complex business. Doing so however is vitally important since exchange rates influence the behavior of all of the participants in the market and, in today’s open market, also influence interest rates, consumer prices, economic growth, investment decision and so much else. It is for this reason that the forex market plays such a critical role in determining exchange rates.

Getting Best Car Deals

Getting Best Car Deals



Have a limited budget, confused between new car or used car – but need to buy one urgently. Relax !! One can get certified second hand cars at a much affordable price in India. With the quality checks and near to new car condition – the second hand market is growing at a rapid pace with hundreds of used cars available at affordable prices. Due to increasing market, many people are rather choosing to buy used cars instead of new cars.

One should be aware that buying a new car and buying without discounts especially when the automobile sales are on decreasing trend. The showrooms are under huge pressure due to :-


– Increasing number of models getting launched

– second hand market growing at a rapid pace

– new car sales are skewed in favor of diesel cars

So, Intelligent people wait for the autumnal season when loads of festive offers pop up in every segment. Even showrooms look to clear out their new and used car stock and give mouth-watering festive offers to make you jump with joy. Yet, it would be unwise to buy cars just on their prices without personally checking out the cars.

It is best to strike a rapport with local mechanics who have a good idea on cars for sale nearby. They will also suggest you what to seek for in used cars, and how much value erosion is done in that car. When you go through the new car prices and deals, you will also get an idea as to how many cars are available in a particular segment. Ideally one should avoid fashionable cars with less recognition value as the maintenance cost will be on a higher side. It is always best to go for popular generic cars which are less driven and maintained especially if looking as a good transaction.

While searching for second hand cars, one can search for cars less than 2 year old or less driven at under 15,000 kms. Also, one should get the inspection done of used cars thoroughly, it may also be possible that car may be accidental and owner want to get rid of it. Always look for a deal which is a distress sales, wherein owner is selling due to going abroad – however paper work and documentation needs to be also thoroughly checked before entering in a transaction. Their dispensation is similar to the great festive offers available during Diwali.

Author is Gagan Modi, who assist to provide

car deals

along with information on

car launches in diwali


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Getting Best Car Deals

Similarities Between Options And Futures Trading

By Jason Ng

After spending much time explaining the differences between options trading and futures trading to beginners to derivatives trading, I think its time to touch on the similarities between options trading and futures trading. Is options trading and futures trading really that different? What are some of the similarities? Well, there are actually four main areas in which options and futures are similar.

First of all, options and futures are both derivative instruments. This means that they are both merely contracts that allows you to trade their underlying asset at certain specific prices, hence deriving their value from price movements of their underlying asset. Both options and futures are merely contracts that bind the exchange of the underlying asset at a specific price. Without an underlying asset, options and futures would not have any value for their existence at all, which is why they are known as ‘Derivative Instruments’. Options and futures both exist for the purpose of facilitating the trading of their underlying asset.

Secondly, both options and futures are leverage instruments. This means that both options trading and futures trading give you the ability to control the price movement on more of their underlying assets than your cash would usually allow. For instance, a futures contract with an initial margin requirement of 10% would allow you to control ten times the amount of its underlying asset than your cash would normally allow you to. A call option asking for $1.00 on a stock that is trading at $20 has a twenty times leverage as it allows you to control a stock worth $20 with only $1. Leverage also means that you could make more profit with options and futures on the same move on their underlying asset than you would if you bought the underlying asset with the same amount of cash. Of course, leverage cuts both ways. You could also potentially lose more than you would in options and futures trading than you would if you had simply bought the underlying asset.


Thirdly, both options and futures can be used for hedging. Hedging is one of the most important usages of derivatives. Both futures and options can be used to partially or totally hedge the directional price risk of an asset even though options are more versatile and precise as it allows for what is known as delta neutral hedging which allows a completely hedged position to still profit should the underlying asset stage a strong breakout in either direction. The hedging power of options and futures is also extremely important in reducing the downwards pressure faced by the overall market during market crisis because big funds and institutions can hedge the downside risk of their holdings using options and/or futures instead of selling their shares in order to maintain their account value. By reducing the amount of selling these big funds does, downside pressure in the overall market is partially relieved. Of course, this alone does not stop bear markets from forming when the general retail crowd (aka the ‘Herd’) starts to rush out of the market.

Fourthly, both options and futures can be used to profit in ways other than the price movement of the underlying stock itself. Futures spreads can be used to speculate in seasonal price differences between the price of futures contracts of different expiration months and options spreads can be structured to profit from time decay no matter which way the underlying asset goes. Yes, it is these options strategies and futures strategies that make derivatives trading so interesting and so rewarding for people with the knack for mathematical calculations and strategies.

So, even though options and futures are very different derivative instruments and have very different rules and trading characteristics, they are still very much the same in the above areas and you can be a more comprehensive and savvy trader or investor by understanding how to use both options and futures to your advantage.

About the Author: Jason Ng is the Founder and Chief Option Strategist of Masters ‘O’ Equity Asset Management and author of and Learn more about

Options Trading


Futures Trading



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