Make A Peg Art Teapot Stand

By S. Roberts

This is an ideal Christmas pressie for Granny or any great tea lover. This peg teapot stand is practical, beautiful and so easy to make. It’s a work of Art!

All you need to make a teapot stand is pegs and No Nails Glue. You can varnish your finished teapot stand but you would need to use a marine varnish because normal varnish will spoil if on contact with water, with water being an essential ingredient of the tea making process. An accident is very probable.

You will need approximately 23 wooden spring pegs. You may need a couple more or less because the peg sizes may vary.

First dismantle all the pegs. Remove and discard the metal spring, you just need the two pieces of wood.


You will notice on the shaped side of the peg that one end tapers and becomes slim. This is the area to apply the No Nails Glue from the tip to the indentation of where the spring once was.

Glue the peg halves together in groups of four so that all the shaped surfaces face the same way.

Allow these clusters to dry overnight. Trying to make the teapot stand in one go makes it fiddly and frustrating because you apply pressure to make the pegs stick, but the other pegs slide out of position. More haste, less speed!

The following day join the clusters of four peg halves together to form clusters of eight. The following day join the clusters of eight to form clusters of sixteen and so on until the peg halves form a star like circle, with a hole in the centre. You may need to add additional peg halves to achieve this.

Allow the glue to dry completely before you continue.

Use sandpaper to stand the two flat surfaces to the teapot stand to smooth, clean and remove any excess glue. Now you can apply a couple of coats of marine varnish if you choose to. Read the varnish tin for directions of how to use the varnish.

An interesting artistic looking teapot stand that would give any teapot that wow factor.

About the Author: S. Roberts is one of Santa’s Helpers and writes for a Christmas educational & activity website. View the clothes peg teapot stand SantasPostbag is in association with


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