- Concrete Pool Builder Sydney
If you own an above ground swimming pool and want to save on heating bills while helping the environment, it’s time to consider using solar energy to keep your pool warm. After all, the sun’s energy is free and provides a far greener option than non-renewable energy sources such as electricity. There are many different solar pool heating options available, including above ground solar pool blankets and reels, sun pool domes and solar pool heating systems with solar panels. No matter what type of solar pool heating product or system you decide to use, you will significantly lower your heating costs while enjoying warm water, a longer swimming season and the knowledge that you are helping the planet.
Many pool owners are already using solar pool blankets and reels for above ground pools to help them harness energy from the sun. Above ground solar pool reels and blankets are probably one of the best-known ways to use solar energy for heating pool water and can raise the temperature of an above ground pool by 10 to 15°F. Widely available and with many economically priced models, above ground solar pool blankets feature thousands of tiny air pockets which make the blankets appear similar to bubble wrap. These air pockets serve to transfer heat from the sun into the swimming pool as well as to retain heat and prevent heat loss through evaporation. Solar pool & spa blankets are available in a variety of thicknesses (usually between 8-mil to 16-mil), each with their own features & length of warranty so there’s sure to be one that’s perfect for your pool and your budget.
While some pool owners may think that above ground solar pool blankets would be too difficult to deal with as a result of their size, above ground solar pool reels provide a solution to this problem. Above ground solar pool reels use a hand crank to manually remove or cover the pool. They’re easy to use and greatly enhance the convenience of using a solar pool cover. When used together, solar pool blankets and reels for above ground pools provide a very handy and straightforward way to make effective use of energy from the sun.
However, if you would prefer to use a solar pool heating method that offers even greater convenience than using solar pool blankets and reels for above ground pools, you might want to consider using solar sun rings or solar pills. Solar sun rings are buoyant vinyl inflatable discs that focus and absorb sunlight, transforming it into heat which is transmitted into the pool water. When a set of solar sun rings are placed on the water, they join together to form an insulating blanket which covers all but 20 to 30% of the water’s surface. The reason for leaving part of the water uncovered is to allow some direct sunlight to still reach the water, which promotes the health of the water and reduces the incidence of algae growth.
Solar sun rings can easily be handled by one person and are also very durable. However, if you want a product that offers ultimate convenience, solar pills could be the right option for you. Solar pills are simply placed in the pump basket and release a harmless compound which forms an invisible shield over the surface of the water. This shield serves to reduce heat loss through evaporation. While solar pills require the least amount of effort to use, they are typically only 60% as effective as above ground solar pool blankets.
Sun pool domes are another solar pool heating option. Sun pool domes are designed to enclose swimming pools completely and provide a number of benefits. By keeping pools enclosed, sun pool domes provide protection from airborne pollutants, debris and the elements. At the same time, sun pool domes enhance heat retention which keeps water warmer and allows for longer swimming seasons. While sun pool domes need to be assembled at the beginning of the season and taken down at the end of the season, they can extend your swim season and greatly reduce heating costs as well as the effort required to keep your pool clean.
In addition to all of the above solar pool heating options, there are also advanced solar pool heating systems available such as the SunGrabber solar pool heating system. The SunGrabber system uses solar panels to effectively and efficiently transform sunlight into heat. Solar pool heating systems are very environmentally friendly and can significantly reduce or even completely eliminate heating costs for your swimming pool.
If you are interested in using the SunGrabber system or any of the above solar pool heating products, you can find everything you need for installation and assembly in convenient solar heating kits. Once your system or product is ready to use, you can immediately begin to channel the sun’s free, green energy into your swimming pool. Whether you prefer above ground solar pool blankets and reels or solar panels, solar pool heating will allow you to save on heating bills while reducing your reliance on non-renewable energy sources.